Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use reusable nappies?

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What are the benefits of Love Their Soul reusable nappies?

Environmentally friendly

It is estimated that an average child will use 4,000+ nappies during their first few years of life. Disposable nappies take hundreds of years to decompose. This has a huge environmental impact that persists well into the future. Reusable nappies help solve this problem. Every time you use a Love Their Soul reusable nappy, you save one nappy from sitting in landfill for up to 500 years.

Cost effective in the long term 

On average, families who use disposable nappies spend $1,200 to $2,400 on nappies for their child. In contrast to this, one of our large nappy packs (24 nappies plus accessories) will only cost you $629.95 and could last you a couple of children, as long as you look after them. While we know it feels like a large up-front cost, it is well worth it in the long run. 

50% of our profits go to charity  

We care about the earth, and we know you do too. That’s why we’ve chosen to give 50% of our profits to Compassion Australia's mums and babies program. By using Love Their Soul reusable nappies, you're not just saving your wallet and the planet, but you're helping mums and children in need too.

Better feel on baby

Our nappy shell inners are made from a suede cloth that keeps your baby feeling dryer for longer. Babies that use reusable nappies also tend to get less nappy rash. 

Less dramatic leakages 

If fitted correctly, our reusable nappies are much better at preventing big leakages than disposables. This is due in part to the side and back gussets, which act as barriers to leakages. 

Are reusable nappies financially worth it?

On average, families who use disposable nappies spend $1,200 to $2,400 on nappies for their child. In contrast to this, one of our large nappy packs (24 nappies plus accessories) will only cost you $629.95 and could last you a couple of children, as long as you look after them. While it can feel like a large up-front cost, it is well worth it in the long run - and that's before you take into account the environmental benefits. 

If the money is something that you’re worried about, we do offer small and medium nappy packs so you can spread out the cost over time. 

Will my reusable nappies last long enough to use them for multiple children?

Your nappies should last long enough to use for multiple children, multiplying the savings and benefits of reusable nappies. However, this is dependent on a number of factors including:

- How well you look after them and if you wash and dry them in the recommended ways.

- How many nappies you have and how often you use them. If you have a larger volume of nappies or only use reusable nappies part-time, there will be a lower rotation of use, which means that there will be less wear and tear on your nappies, and will mean they last longer.

Using Reusables

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What size/age babies do your one-size-fits-most (OSFM) nappies fit?

Love Their Soul nappies are adjustable ‘one-size fits most’ (OSFM) nappies, which are generally suitable for children weighing from 3.5 kg to 15.0 kg. Our nappies are designed to fit a variety of sizes through adjustable snaps. However, this may result in differing fits, which may or may not be suitable for your child depending on their particular shape. 

Please note that our OSFM nappies may also be quite bulky on young babies (such as those below 5.5 kg), who may be more suited to a newborn specific product. We hope to add a newborn specific reusable nappy to our range in the future, but for now, we'd love to hear any feedback on how users are finding our products. If you have any questions or issues with sizing or fit, please feel free to contact us!

What do all of the components of a reusable nappy do?

Shell - The outer PUL (Polyurethane Laminate Fabric) waterproof cover, which also displays all our beautiful designs. Our shells are one-size-fits-most.

Insert - The absorbent cotton-bamboo pad of the nappy that soaks up all the mess. 

Booster - A supplementary and smaller cotton-bamboo pad to allow for extra absorbency when required (for example, during long naps/night times or with a heavy wetter). 

Liner - A piece of micro-fleece material placed on top of the inner shell to allow for a drier feel for the child, as it draws moisture through to the absorbent layers (the insert and booster). A liner also makes cleaning the nappy easier. 

Wipe - A soft bamboo velour cloth that is used with water to clean the child during nappy changes.

How do I size my nappies correctly?

Here are a few steps that will hopefully help you get that right fit:

Step 1: Open up the nappy and place it on your change table, with the shell cover facing down, and ensuring that the front tabs are closest to you

Step 2: Put your child on top of the nappy, with the back of the nappy sitting just above the bottom crack 

Step 3: Pull the front of the nappy up to just below the belly button

Step 4: Pull the first side flap up and around on the child and snap into snaps where it seems snug around the waist (able to fit two fingers in to allow for room when child sits up)

Step 5: Repeat for the second side flap

Step 6: To adjust the rise snaps, connect them to the appropriate level above in order to allow for no gaps in the thighs, but not too tight that it will cause red, indented marks on your child

Step 7: Make sure that no insert or liner is showing outside of the nappy shell (the waterproof layer)

Step 8: Tuck nappy leg gussets into baby’s underwear line

Step 9: Ensure there are no gaps around thighs or back by jostling your babies legs around to imitate crawling or walking

Getting the right fit for your child can require a bit of trial and error. If you are having any issues, check out our Instagram for some instruction videos or please feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can! 

Why do my nappies leak?

Everyone has nappy leaks occasionally (including when using disposables!), but if you’re getting frequent nappy leaks, here are a few potential causes and solutions: 

Not changing the nappy regularly enough

Generally you should be changing your child’s nappy every 1.5 to 3 hours, or straight after a dirty nappy. If you notice your child leaking at a similar time each day (or the insert is heavily soaked), try changing them more often.

The fit isn’t quite right

Try adjusting the waist and rise snaps until there are no gaps (while ensuring that it is also not too tight or causing red marks on your child). If you have a boy, make sure they are pointing down!

Your child is a heavy wetter

You might need to add in extra absorbancy such as a booster and/or a nappy liner, or change your child more often.

Not pre-washing your nappies before first use

It generally takes 4-5 washes before nappies reach full absorbency level.

Still stuck?

If you are still having problems with leaks, please contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can! 

How many nappies do I need?

We recommend 24 nappies (a large pack) for someone who uses reusable nappies most of the time, and 12 nappies (a medium pack) for someone who uses reusable nappies some of the time. However this is very dependent on a number of factors including:

- If your child is a heavy wetter, you may require more nappies.

- How often you are able to wash the nappies. If you want to wash less often you may need more nappies.

- Your method of drying nappies. If you use a dryer, it won’t take as long to dry your nappies, and therefore you won’t need as many.

- If you live in a cold and wet climate, you may require more nappies, as it will take longer for them to dry.

- Whether your child goes to day care and how often they go (noting that many day care centres allow you to bring your reusable nappies for them to use on your child during the day).

How often do I need to change a nappy?

Generally, you should be changing your child’s nappy every 1.5 to 3 hours. However, with the night time nappy (including a booster/insert), you should be able to last the night without a nappy change unless your child is a particularly heavy wetter. 

Newborns will require changing 10-12 times in a 24 hour period, but by the time they are toddlers this will decrease significantly to 4-6 times in a 24 hour period. 

Every child also has a different schedule when it comes to nappy changes. Some will be heavy wetters or have lots of dirty nappies, both of which will require more frequent changes and possibly additional liners/boosters. You will need to do some experimenting as to the frequency of nappy changes, as every child and age is different.

What do I do for a night-time nappy?

Our recommendation is to use a normal insert + booster + liner to maximise absorbency. Every child is different, so success with night time nappies may require a bit of experimentation, but we encourage you to keep at it.

If you're having trouble, please contact us.

Washing Reusables

Check out our exclusive 3 minute video on washing reusable nappies here:

How to Wash Reusable Nappies - by Love Their Soul - YouTube

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Do I have to handwash my nappies?

Thankfully no! Our modern cloth reusable nappies are 100% machine washable, meaning the days of hand washing nappies are well and truly over. Phew!

Where do I store a dirty nappy?

Once you've disposed of any solids in the toilet, the dirty reusable nappy can be stored outside prior to washing. No sink storage required! Make sure you undo the nappy (seperate the liner and insert/booster from the shell) prior to storage.

We recommend keeping your dirty nappies in a "dry-pail" type container that includes holes to promote good air flows. This may be an old washing basket, or something similar. We typically recommend having two dry-pail containers: 

- one for dirty nappies that are yet to be pre-washed

- one for nappies that have been pre-washed, but need storing until you have enough for a full-wash

Please note that prior to your baby starting solid foods, it is fine to put a dirty nappy straight in your dry pail (without disposing any solids in the toilet) as newborn solids are soluble in water.

If you get stuck, our top tip is to hand the dirty nappy to your spouse and then forget about it.

How do you prepare the nappies for use?

Before first use, you will need to wash your nappies. It generally takes up to 4-5 washes to get the nappies up to their full level of absorbency, so we recommend following the below steps to prepare your nappies:

Step 1: soak all the elements of your nappies overnight in the laundry sink

Step 2: wash your nappies using the following settings:

- Cycle length: a heavy duty 2-3 hour cycle 

- Temperature: hot, between 40-60 degrees

- Soiling level: heavy

Step 3: stretch out all of your inserts and boosters, to help them keep their shape when they dry 

Step 4: dry all of your nappy elements on a line or in a dryer. Noting that nappy shells should not be dried in direct sunlight or in a dryer as this will degrade the waterproof material over time. 

You can now start using your nappies (keeping in mind they may not reach maximum absorbency until after a few more washes).

Please note that these settings will depend on the type of washing machine that you have, and that you may need to experiment in order to get the most appropriate settings.

How do I wash the nappies?

Every 1-2 days you will need to do a pre-wash of your nappies. This is to rinse your nappies to avoid staining and to help remove excessive soiling, ready for a much cleaner main wash. 

Pre-washed nappies do not need to be hung up or dried, but can be stored in your dry-pail solution prior to completing a main wash.

Pre-wash indicative settings are:

- Cycle length: a quick 30-60 minute cycle

- Temperature: hot, between 40-60 degrees

- Soiling level: heavy

- Detergent: 0.5 scoops

Every 2-3 days you will need to do a main wash of your nappies, depending on the number of nappies you have and your method of drying.

Main wash indicative settings are:

- Cycle length: a heavy duty 2-3 hour cycle 

- Temperature: hot, between 40-60 degrees

- Soiling level: heavy

- Detergent: 1.5 scoops

If you're unsure about your wash routine or settings, please feel free to contact us.

What detergent should I use?

We recommend washing with a detergent that is bleach free, fabric conditioner free and isn't heavily fragranced as this can shorten the useable lifespan of your nappies. There are plenty of brands that meet this requirement, including OMO SensitiveBiozet powder and Radiant powder/liquid. However, you should always check the label prior to purchase to be sure, especially as products can change over time.

For more information about detergents and dosage recommendations, Clean Cloth Nappies has an excellent Detergent Index that can be accessed here.

How do I dry the nappies?

Stretch out the inserts and place them on a clothes hoist to dry (preferably in the sun) or pop them in the dryer. It is important that the nappy inserts get exposed to UV to bleach stains where possible. This includes the liners and wipes as well. 

Dry the shells in a shady position, preferably outside. If the outside of the shell gets exposed to too much direct sun, the waterproofing outer will start to deteriorate over time and be less effective at waterproofing the nappy.

Our liners, wipes, inserts and boosters can be tumble dried, however our shells and wetbags cannot be tumble dried due to the plastics in the waterproofing components.

Can I tumble dry my nappies?

Our liners, wipes, inserts and boosters can be tumble dried, however our nappy outer shells and wet bags cannot be tumble dried due to the plastics in the waterproofing components.

Postage and Delivery

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How long will delivery of my order take?

Delivery within Australia may take between 2 and 14 days, depending on the location. For more information please see our Shipping page. 

Do you post internationally?

We are currently focussed on supporting Australian customers. However, we are able to deliver internationally on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact us, and we can arrange delivery wherever you are.

Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question. We love to help wherever we can!